April 25, 1961

 Mr.Arthur Koestler
8 Montpelier
London SW 7

Dear Arthur:

Glad to get your note and the clipping on the mushrooms. It's a good article and a fine description of your reactions. My own reactions are somewhat different and I hope to be sending you some of my write-ups soon.

The Lotus and the Robot attracted much comment and is making quite a stir. I enjoyed it tremendously and learned a lot from it.

Big doings with Rhine. He came to Harvard for a panel discussion. Bruner, Boring, Neisser and I spoke on the same program. Overflow audience. Much excitement and a very favorable reaction. Rhine was delighted. I spent a day with him and tried to get him out of the laboratory routine. Not much luck. I'm going to Duke next month to give them mushrooms and we'll run some ESP trials.

Today (after a mushroom session yesterday) I had an extraordinary ESP experience. On the way upstairs saw mailman and began sequence of ideas which led to thoughts about a girl I hadn't thought of in six monthes, etc. and of course a most unexpected letter had come from her. Then an hour later at the prison an inmate reported six ESP experiences over the weekend. We are going to run ESP sessions in the Jail next month.

Bruner spoke very favorably of you the other night--very impressed by your knowledge of psychology and your work.

Lot's of visitors recently--Huxley, Watts, Glaser, Gillespie. The prison work is going well. We are training prisoners to act as assisitants in group sessions; they are writing poetry and claiming their lives are changed, etc, etc. Time will tell.

I'll send you a supply of mushrooms in a couple of days .I envy you your Austrian retreat. The pressure of work here is too intense and I look forward to the summer to relax on the Continent. I'd like to drop by to see you if you aren't too occupied, lots to discuss.

Have you been in touch with Bruner? Is there anything I can do to push Walters along? You have left many affectionate admirers here who join me in warmest wishes.

Sincerely yours,
Timothy Leary

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